Thursday, January 21, 2010

For Better or For Worse

From a young age I had to learn the hard way, you can fold and bend but you should never brake. At the age of 2 I was mature for my age. I would walk with my moms and ask her questions about my father like why they not together and when would they get married again. Tough love is what I got out of my dad not seeing me but it made me stronger, it made me who I am today. But with all that said, who am I to be mad about some shit I couldn't prevent? I mean the rift between my moms and dad started way before I was born, it didn't help none that my dad was and is brown skin and I came out yellow as a sunflower. I guess you cant see yourself in a persons shoes until you have to wear them. But lets fast forward to almost 20 years later. Can you see a young you now? I mean you cant say I don't exist to you and believe that, can you? I cant say that if i were him I would do this and that this way and not let this and that happen cause things happen for a reason but I can say my child will know his father will never leave him or her EVER and that I love them more than anything in the world. So next time before you judge me walk in my shoes you probably couldn't handle the things that seem minute to me.


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