Monday, September 20, 2010

This Cant be Life

In a time and day where pop culture rules our everyday life, have we really forgot what life really is? Many of our peers and we ourselves are living lies. I love the lyrics to Jay-Z song "This Cant Be Life". His song enumerates everything I think about daily, the hook alone puts me into deep thought. "This cant be life This cant be love This cant be right There's gotta be more This cant be life..." I look at the struggles and obstacles I'm faced with and it creates that motivation I need to push me to want everything even more. I want everything life has to offer. I'm from Brooklyn, New York, my family is a decent size and I feel blessed to know I have one foot out the trap we, as in minorities, are set up to get caught in. I have four uncles who have been to jail and an aunt blind from abusing drugs and we all fighting to stay above water per say. Bills stacking, over due notices, shit that can drag your morale down and cause depression but the constant vision of success, the sweet taste of defeating all odds is what keeps me fighting its what keeps me saying "This cant be life This cant be love This cant be right There's gotta be more This cant be life..." I know life is going to get better and if you reading this then you should know your life will too. God wont put more on you than you can handle. Trust him and always remember things happen for a reason. Believe what God is doing in your life is for your best interest.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post and you touched so many points. Because many of us Blacks lack that motivation to strive for a better life. The thing is we all need to stop blaming the invisible white man for our failures. We cannot just sit on our ass and start blaming people for our misery. WE, as people have to change our lives if we want to make it better. We need that motivation. I tell my brother this all the time, "don't be a typical black man." Don't be who everybody else thinks you should be. You have to live above the stereotype. In order to do so, we all have to change ourselves first. Like in Michael Jackson's song,"If you want to make the world a better place, take at yourself and make the change." Change ourselves first, strive for the best, be positive, be optimistic. Leave all the negativity and hope and move to a better, prosperous life... That's my goal because, I am not going to be a typical black female...
